Eid Celebrations with Senior Citizen

 Eid Celebrations with Senior Citizen 

Senior Citizens event Age of Senior Citizens: Gitch Iconic Youth Organization (GIYO) organized an event to celebrate Eid with their senior citizen on April 14, 2023 and personal invite all senior citizens belongs to village Gitch Punial District Ghizer of Gilgit Baltistan. luckily almost all senior citizens participated in this event. Before going into the details about the program here i would like to brief about Gitch Iconic Youth Organization (GIYO). As this is a village level organization formed for the last couple of years where registered all youngsters from village Gitch. The main purpose of the organization is to work for development of their own village Gitch with out any personal benefit. GIYO have a cabinet including President, Vice President, Finance Secretary, General Secretary. Information Secretary etc. The President of GIYO lead the organization. GIYO also work for education and health for needy peoples of village through fund raisings. The professional and business mans from village is donated to GIYO and in the supervision of President these funds distributed to needy peoples.

Purpose of the Event:

The main purpose of this event was to gather all senior citizens from village Gitch and entertain themselves through desi band and dancing, secondly to educate youth through their existing life style and experiences such as what was the RAJAKI System, MALIA and ownership of lands in the district.  senior citizens briefly discussed about the mentioned systems to youth which is very essential to know about in future. likewise our seniors describe the well known very old places at our area which about youth never listen even there names so for. One of the major purpose of this event to provide a platform where get a chance to meet each other as these senior spent their life's with together but due to old age or any illness they could not meet with each other for the last couple of years so this was a great opportunity to meet each other.   

Program Content:

GIYO arrange chairs and sofa system for Senor Citizens under the canopy and called for Desi Bands to entertain Seniors likewise GIYO personally invited one day before to all old age villagers. on the day of event all invitees started to join from the early morning. program was formerly started on 11 AM. initially receive gust and surf cold drinks with cookies and then on desi Hareep gust came to stage from reception. Then their was a question and answer session from seniors and youngster about to know very old places in our village and then Senior citizens perform dance on Dasi Band. GIYO organized lunch of all villagers and special gusts.

Video of Senior Citizens:

Below are the video of Senior Citizens from Village Gitch where all together to join the event. GIYO presented white Choga to wear for very old age villagers. Choga is part of Gilgit Baltistan tradition which is presented to special guest on special events on honor of guest. these people have very creative minded and expert in engineering they were design different building and different thing using in daily life in their time when we see all these then a normal human can be confused to see the designs      


Senior Citizen Age:

Below are the senior citizens of Village Gitch District Ghizer of Gilgit Baltistan most of these people are above eighty five years of old and one or two have crossed hundred years of their life even then looking healthy. In this stage of life these people still working hard always doing some things and never tack rest when over feel any illness because working is become the nature and habit.  

Eid Celebrations with Senior Citizen

Below are the female senior citizens from Gilgit Baltistan and there ages also above eighty even then these are working women's and physically fit, their routine food is vegetable and salt tea also using desi eggs and butter.    

Eid Celebrations with Senior Citizen

Reason of Healthy and Long Life:

Early nineties in their childhood they mostly used purely desi foods in their dieting and economic dependency was only agriculture therefore they were doing physical work for whole day on lands.
below are some major differences in this era and early nineties
  1.  Currently we use different oils in cooking while these senior citizens were used only desi butter for cooking foods.
  2.  These people were use their own hinnies and goat for meat while recently using forming chicken meat which is cause of different diseases.
  3. In breakfast these people were use desi milk, desi eggs and desi butter while currently using milk pack and dairy forming butter and forming eggs.
  4. physical work is also one of the major cause of long life as these people work for 24 hours while currently people doing jobs and then tack rest for the whole day.            


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